Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Project Playlist vs Grooveshark

I do have music playing on my blog. Like i said, the site is very user friendly, and it was easy to add on. The source is from a site called 'Project Playlist', a place I used to go to all the time before I discovered 'Grooveshark'. Both provide songs that you can search for and listen to. In my opinion, Grooveshark has more general songs, including all the popular ones and even some by very minor artists. While Playlist still has just as many of these currently popular songs, there are a lot more broken links, and gaps in the system. Not to say that Grooveshark doesn't have broken links, but they're rarely seen and there's always at least one double of the song somewhere on the site.

Playlist has it's advantages to. Not only do they have better variety of music from video games, but it's very easy to organize! Grooveshark has both organization features and some music from Nintendo and other systems, but Playlist kicks Grooveshark's butt when it comes to accessibility. Not to mention, Project Playlist can be added on to just about any customizable site!

Personally, I prefer Grooveshark over Playlist. Typically while writing fanfics or essays I'll have Grooveshark going in the background, and not have to worry about links being broken or songs cutting short.

I still couldn't live without playlist though. Where else would I get my Zelda and Mario music? Of course if this is annoying you, feel free to scroll down to the bottom and change it, or pause it completely!

Use either or both of these music sites? Give me your opinion on which you think is best on my poll. It's right next to the playlist at the bottom, above my fishies.

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