Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Spectacular 'Austin and Ally'

I've never seen the show, nor had interest, but since nothing better was on any of the shows (besides those dumb Christmas movies, which at this point I've seen just about all of them... twice.), I turned on a show titled 'Jessie', and afterwards is when 'Austin and Ally' came on.

Remember back when 'Spectacular' came out? When it was finished, there was talk of a TV show possibly being created. However, Nolan Funk was busy on Broadway and Tammin Sursok was shooting for that horse movie, before going on to play a role in 'Pretty Little Liars'. The two lead characters had more important things to do than make a kids series, but maybe there was a series in the making? I've only seen three episodes, but i can see Courtney and Nikko living in the lives of these new characters. The uptight girl working at a music shop, writing music for her friend who wants to be a rock star? Kinda like the strict girl choreographing music for her boyfriend, who has a record deal.

However, the characters have added flaws. "Ally", Tammin's similar, is incredibly afraid of performing. And "Austin", Nikko's similar, just stupid. He's definitely playful, but over-exaggeratedly dumb. Not to mention the fact that this is a Disney show rather than showing on Nick.

That aside, there are obvious characteristics of both characters in the show, plus that little kid hanging around Ally all the time reminds me of Janice in more than a couple ways.

So is this sad excuse for a show the continuation of such an amazing movie? ...I sure hope not, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was.

Friday, December 16, 2011


People rarely surprise you, but when you find the one who completely blows you off your feet, hold on to them and never let go. Everyone's unique, but they remain unique in a very predictable way. For example, if you drop the scraps of paper on the desk behind you, you expect the person to give you a look and swipe them on the floor, or maybe even cuss at you for doing it. When you find the person who turns those scraps into a crown, declares herself the 'queen of zombi land', demands that lamas should be given voting rights, and says it's part of her land laws that anyone caught levitating must have one of their fingers cut off, you have two choices. You can return to your normal group of normal, predictable friends, or you can sign a petition for voting rights, pretend to be a hitchhiker, and make her a dragon out of wax for her castle. I chose the ladder.

Those who make friends quickly tend to lose them just as fast. This is to say, if you are to immediately put all your trust into a person, it's likely that you're not as valued as you may think. Yes; maybe i was her best friend, one above all other friends, but how easily she was able to replace me, and find a NEW best friend, was what really broke my heart.

They say that you don't want to get caught in the 'friend zone' with someone you have feelings for. I know this; and it's really not fun. But sometimes that zone can be better than a relationship, and, better than nothing at all. I learned this the hard way, and because of this, i lost my zombie queen. She was unique, like no other, and i doubt I'll ever find a friend who can understand me the way she does, that is, without thinking me 'wired' or a 'freak'.

She gave me a silly band when we became friends; it said peace. The day i made a move on her was the same day that silly band broke. I tried to tie it back together, but no matter how many times and ways i tried, it'll never take the same form as it used to.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cyanide Love

Music is an inspiration, but the way these things are inspired is a work of it's own.

I had started writing a fanfic about one of my favorite shows, and one of the characters were based off of me. (Check out my blog post 'Sie' for details). This character was the inspiration of another characters song, which was to be titled 'I Would do Anything for You'. As time progressed in the story, so did my life. As I became more depressed, as did Sie, and the people around her. Soon the lyrics began to change from hopeful and upbeat to painful and upbeat. The melody is still it's happy, pop-like way, but the lyrics express suffer and fear... Much like i felt at the time i was modifying it. Soon i changed the title to Cyanide love, in stead of "Sie and I in love". 'Sink into your soul' turns to 'torment', then 'perish'. It shows a process, from the illusion of happiness, to the pain at it's highest, to a withering period, which my song has transformed into. Cyanide, the poison, is the best comparison Claudia can make to Sie's absence. I wish i could post 'Finale Notepad' on here, but i don't even know how to get it on the internet, much less post it as a document. I've recorded the melody, and i hope to put up a karaoke version up soon, considering i have no vocalist to sing the lyrics.

I like to think of it as the song 'Ring around the Rosy'. The melody is happy, but the word are that describing fear and death. Best comparison. Just sayin.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Greatest Gift

Who saw the newest holiday episode of Warehouse 13? I sure did! I was looking forward to seeing it, and i must say the storyline was very impressive, as always! What concerns me is the time line.

I mean, Fredrick's still alive? And where the heck are Steve and H.G.? It's the last episode in the season, but if this were true then explain how the warehouse hasn't blown up yet, you know?

I believe the writers wrote this in a time before Steve shows up, but after H.G. is put away. However, if this were the case, it would have to be after Myka comes back to the warehouse after she leaves, in which case Steve would have to be there.

Think about this. Pete says to Myka that she and H.G. were best buds, but we don't see H.G. in the warehouse with the other agents at the beginning of the episode. H.G.'s already gone into holograph form at this time, in which case. Since Myka leaves at the end of that episode, and Steve enters before Myka comes back, then that would mean that Steve should be there. However, he's not at the warehouse at the beginning of the episode as well, and there isn't so much of mention of him.

This could mean that it was during the time that Steve was playing double agent, except... why would everyone plan to go away for the holidays while there's an insane killer just waiting to break into the warehouse? Not to mention, they're only leaving Pete in charge while they're gone.

Oh yeah! What's the deal with that, by the way? Way too much focus on Pete this entire episode. I'm not a big fan of his character, and this didn't make him any more appealing. I wanted to see more of Myka and Claudia, freaking out over the loss of H.G. and Steve. But no... it's all about Pete this episode. I guess if you WERE a Pete fan, it would be okay, but in my opinion, this episode provides no additional content towards the issues at hand.

I want some sort of resolution to the storyline! Does Claudia bring back Steve with the metronome? What are they going to do with the warehouse being in ashes? So many things that aren't so much as addressed, it just adds confusion and frustration.

Not to say the episode was a complete failure. I love the emphasis on the subject of family. At first we see Artie refusing to go to Vegas with his friends, as Claudia denies wanting to see her brother. During the episode, Pete makes mention to Claudia that her brother isn't her only family. We see Pete making connections, such as Artie being a father figure to the girl. He also says that he's like a big brother to Claudia, and Myka's like a big sister, also referring to the fact that he and Myka are like siblings. At the end, when things go back to reality, no one is able to leave to go see their family. We see that this isn't completely true, because they're already technically a family. It was the writers intention to show the closeness of the cast, which is why i feel they left Steve and H.G. out, and had Fredrick still there. Confusing, yes. Worth it? ...maybe.

This seems like an episode that should take place in the future; once the warehouse is back, Claudia uses the metronome to bring back Fredrick, and H.G. and Steve have been remorse over and forgotten about externally. So, either the writers wrote it before and couldn't put it in because it wasn't Christmas yet, or all the next episodes are already shot and they didn't want to wait to put it in because by the time it's Christmas again, there might be new cast members which they intend to keep. Get what I'm saying?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Indie music?

So you have the pop genre, and you get a mixes of these genres, like 'pop punk' like the band Bowling for Soup (Girl all the Bad Guys Want) and Fall Out Boy (Carpel Tunnel of Love), 'pop dance' like Selena Gomez newer songs, 'pop country' like The Band Perry (If I Die Young), and just about every Taylor Swift song.

But an overlooked genre of wonderful pop music is the 'indie' side. Great songs like 'Queen of White Lies' and 'Wasted Daylight' are ignored because of mass focus on other pop genres.

There are indie-pop bands that get their fair share of attention, though. Did you know a lot of the new Panic at the Disco is considered indie-alternative? Also, the song 'Pumped up Kicks' is pure indie-pop. The band Foster the People has greatly improved the ratings for indie music.

Whatever you're into is your own thing, but don't be afraid to taste other genres too! If your volume's not on, turn it up and take a listen to some of the songs on my page. Most is indie.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Exception/Obsession

I've been obsessed with girls since the beginning of high school, and for a while I've had a 'bi' rep. I've graduated now and I'm known amongst my friends as 'the lesbian', but that statement itself isn't entirely true. To be lesbian would mean that I'm only attracted to girls, but there's a catch...

Emo boys/goth boys are my weakness >.< say hello to Vanity from Blood on the Dance Floor, a punk-pop-electro band with incredibly hott members. And yes, Vanity is a guy.

The dark clothes, thick eye liner, pale skin, jewelry, painted nails, and that insane thing they do with their hair... most of the time it's covering half their face, and has various colors in it. Colors like red, blue, blue-green, magenta, ect. Yeah; emo boys got it right! But looks aren't all. They have to nail the attitude too. You can't call yourself 'emo' if you don't act like it. Take it from Vanity; the devious gimps in his eye, the rebellious tone when he sings, he's the complete package.

I'm not picky about my girls, but the odds of me falling for a guy are slim to none if you're not slashing your wrists and writing dark poetry about how much you hate the world.