Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cyanide Love

Music is an inspiration, but the way these things are inspired is a work of it's own.

I had started writing a fanfic about one of my favorite shows, and one of the characters were based off of me. (Check out my blog post 'Sie' for details). This character was the inspiration of another characters song, which was to be titled 'I Would do Anything for You'. As time progressed in the story, so did my life. As I became more depressed, as did Sie, and the people around her. Soon the lyrics began to change from hopeful and upbeat to painful and upbeat. The melody is still it's happy, pop-like way, but the lyrics express suffer and fear... Much like i felt at the time i was modifying it. Soon i changed the title to Cyanide love, in stead of "Sie and I in love". 'Sink into your soul' turns to 'torment', then 'perish'. It shows a process, from the illusion of happiness, to the pain at it's highest, to a withering period, which my song has transformed into. Cyanide, the poison, is the best comparison Claudia can make to Sie's absence. I wish i could post 'Finale Notepad' on here, but i don't even know how to get it on the internet, much less post it as a document. I've recorded the melody, and i hope to put up a karaoke version up soon, considering i have no vocalist to sing the lyrics.

I like to think of it as the song 'Ring around the Rosy'. The melody is happy, but the word are that describing fear and death. Best comparison. Just sayin.

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