Friday, December 16, 2011


People rarely surprise you, but when you find the one who completely blows you off your feet, hold on to them and never let go. Everyone's unique, but they remain unique in a very predictable way. For example, if you drop the scraps of paper on the desk behind you, you expect the person to give you a look and swipe them on the floor, or maybe even cuss at you for doing it. When you find the person who turns those scraps into a crown, declares herself the 'queen of zombi land', demands that lamas should be given voting rights, and says it's part of her land laws that anyone caught levitating must have one of their fingers cut off, you have two choices. You can return to your normal group of normal, predictable friends, or you can sign a petition for voting rights, pretend to be a hitchhiker, and make her a dragon out of wax for her castle. I chose the ladder.

Those who make friends quickly tend to lose them just as fast. This is to say, if you are to immediately put all your trust into a person, it's likely that you're not as valued as you may think. Yes; maybe i was her best friend, one above all other friends, but how easily she was able to replace me, and find a NEW best friend, was what really broke my heart.

They say that you don't want to get caught in the 'friend zone' with someone you have feelings for. I know this; and it's really not fun. But sometimes that zone can be better than a relationship, and, better than nothing at all. I learned this the hard way, and because of this, i lost my zombie queen. She was unique, like no other, and i doubt I'll ever find a friend who can understand me the way she does, that is, without thinking me 'wired' or a 'freak'.

She gave me a silly band when we became friends; it said peace. The day i made a move on her was the same day that silly band broke. I tried to tie it back together, but no matter how many times and ways i tried, it'll never take the same form as it used to.

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