Sunday, March 25, 2012

My return

Yes, I am back! It's been a while since I've posted, i figured I may as well throw in an update while I'm here.

I have some very terrible news, i have lost my phone. On it were some of my original fiction works; and a lot of those i hadn't saved on my computer. Yes, my original story 'Orbs' has gone missing, unfortunately.

The story was still in an editing process, so I'm not too concerned about someone claiming the idea as their own. I suppose they're already thieves if they took my phone, but i doubt they'd know what to do with my idea. The problem is, i have no saved existence of the story besides in an old email account that i no longer have access too. I'll have to re-write the entire thing from scratch! It's awful... think of how many important plot points or underlying themes I'll most likely forget to add!

Even now as I'm thinking about it, i see some gaps in the story. I forget how Veronica got back to the spring realm after Jaden left her there. The rocket didn't have any fuel left! There's no way she walked... so many flaws... perhaps i didn't give an explanation.

Well like i said i had a lot of editing to do anyway, re-writing it will most certainly help work out the kinks.

Other than that, part two of 'I Would Do Anything For You' is out. I decided to continue with the 'phrase for a title' idea and name it 'Your Biggest Mistake'. As before, i have no idea how this will tie into the story what-so-ever, and hope the readers will give it meaning for me.

Location is the real way to title a story, if it's unique, that is. Lake fic, Cassopolis Diamonds, Sno Globe... and then again you could always go with the theme as a title. Countless works i've written based off of this. Chapter titles, as well.

Fun fact, Sno Globe's chapter titles are all titles of songs by Selena Gomez. The whole series! Any Selena fans who watch Wizards of Waverly Place just because she's the main character will know what it means. The fun thing about it is, the titles also tie into the idea of the chapter.

What other news? Ramen circle is a new series I'm starting. This group get together and tell stories, and one writer makes them into short stories and posts them on her blog. We follow the progress of the clan through her posts; each being a different chapter. They're very spaced out for that reason, so there are a ton of gaps in the middle which make it confusing to read. It's pretty sweet!

Last thing before i go. While I plan on working through Orbs once again, i will be simultaneously be writing a new fanfic about Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. The fic has yet to be titled, or started... but i have a few plot points planned out in my head. My only concern is posting it where people can read it.

So Warehouse 13 fans: Part two has arived!
Delena fans: Look for my new fanfic when it's posted!
And the person who stole my phone: Not cool. Not cool.

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